The ISO 22000 family addresses food safety management by providing guidelines and best practices for managing risks in all areas of food production.
The World Health Organization estimates that one in ten people fall ill and 420,000 die be-cause of contaminated food every year. ISO 22000:2018 works preventively to reduce this by helping food organisations implement food safety management systems that defend against the potential hazards and risks that lead to contamination. From listeria outbreaks to incorrect labelling, compromised food products can negatively impact customer and consumer confidence in your business and your brand.
On training completion, you will be able to understand the basics of the ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System and Annex SL as a framework for ISO management systems. You will also gain knowledge on the requirements of ISO 22000:2018 relating to Context, Leadership, Planning, Support, and Operation and a key concept such as risk-based thinking and process approach.